Pay only for facilitators, attendees are free!

Orchidea is designed to foster collaboration. That's why you only pay for the facilitators of workshops, challenges or idea processing - no matter how many people will join in!
The quickest and easiest way to try Orchidea
No credit card required!
Get started free
Unlimited open & public channels, challenges & workshops
Up to 15 members
Core AI features & 5000 AI credits for each member
1-click visitor access with unlimited visitors. No sign-in required.
Templates by Orchidea
Customizable forms and processes
Mobile app
Self-serve support
More power for teams and facilitators
per facilitator/month
billed monthly

Start with Free
All Free features, plus
Control who can access your content with private channels, challenges & workshops
Up to 100 members
Advanced AI features & unlimited AI credits for all facilitators
Drive best practices within your team with custom templates
Unlimited file storage
Email support
Credit card payment
Organization wide idea management
per month including 10 facilitators
+19€/month per additional facilitator
Book a demo
All Team features, plus
Unlimited members
AI workshops & unlimited AI credits
AI workshops & unlimited AI Anonymous participation
Review content changes with full history
Advanced reporting
Single sign-on (SSO) (SAML 2.0)
Flexible payment options through credit card or annual invoice
Professional innovation with AI & stakeholders
per month including 15 facilitators
+25€/month per additional facilitator
All Business features, plus
AI in channels, challenges, and workshops
Idea management automation
Invention disclosure management
Branding with custom colors and address
Securely collaborate outside your team with guests. Sign-in required
Automatic similar idea search
External access to only one idea
Customer success program
Multilingual innovation for enterprises
Ask for quote
All Professional features, plus
Real time AI translations
Multiple workspaces & languages
Designated account and customer success team
Test environment
Priority support
Automate user management with SCIM
Custom agreement
On-premise & private cloud hosting
The quickest and easiest way to try Orchidea
No credit card required!
Get started free
Unlimited open & public channels, challenges & workshops
Up to 15 members
Core AI features & 5000 AI credits for each member
1-click visitor access with unlimited visitors. No sign-in required.
Templates by Orchidea
Customizable forms and processes
Mobile app
Self-serve support
More power for teams and facilitators
per facilitator/month
billed monthly

Start with Free
All Free features, plus
Control who can access your content with private channels, challenges & workshops
Up to 100 members
Advanced AI features & unlimited AI credits for all facilitators
Drive best practices within your team with custom templates
Unlimited file storage
Email support
Credit card payment
Organization wide idea management
per month including 10 facilitators
+$19/month per additional facilitator
Book a demo
All Team features, plus
Unlimited members
AI workshops & unlimited AI credits
Anonymous participation
Review content changes with full history
Advanced reporting
Single sign-on (SSO) (SAML 2.0)
Flexible payment options through credit card or annual invoice
Professional innovation with AI & stakeholders
per month including 15 facilitators
+$25/month per additional facilitator
All Business features, plus
AI in channels, challenges, and workshops
Idea management automation
Invention disclosure management
Branding with custom colors and address
Securely collaborate outside your team with guests. Sign-in required
Automatic similar idea search
External access to only one idea
Customer success program
Multilingual innovation for enterprises
Ask for quote
All Professional features, plus
Real time AI translations
Multiple workspaces & languages
Designated account and customer success team
Test environment
Priority support
Automate user management with SCIM
Custom agreement
On-premise & private cloud hosting

partners & customers

Over 50 000 users world-wide

Development Manager
Global manufacturing company
”I want to use it straight away, so many ideas where this can be used.”
Business designer
European pharmaceutical company
“Good tool to conduct virtual workshops and ensure participation and also very easy to use.”



Key features

Number of members

Invite frequent collaborators to participate in innovation

Number of active channels, challenges, workshops

Members, visitors, and guest can participate in active channels/challenges/workshops. Archived channels/ challenges/ workshops are closed to new activity, but the data is retained and searchable.

Try AI workshops for free
AI workshops
AI workshops
AI features in channels, challenges, and workshops
All AI features
Channels, challenges & workshops

Open are accessible for all members. Private are visible only for selected members, guests, and visitors. Public are visible for all visitors by anyone with link access.

Open & public
Open, private & public
Open, private & public
Open, private & public
Open, private & public
Templates by Orchidea

Start fast with our library of ready-made templates for always open ideation, challenges and workshops

Customizable forms and processes

Customize forms, fields, statuses, and processes to fit your needs

Custom templates

Build and share custom templates with your team

Single Sign-On

Access Orchidea through ADFS, Entra ID, Google Google idP, Okta, or you custom identity provider


Members, guests and visitors can stay anonymous when creating and discussing proposals

Visitors only
Visitors only
Members &
Guests & advanced external collaboration

Invite external collaborators as guests to specific channels, challenges, or workshops. Publish channel and challenge collections forms with links. Assign tasks for members and visitors to only one idea.

Invention disclosure management

Create channels where members and guests see only their own invention disclosure reports. Channel facilitators see everything.

Multiple workspaces & languages

Run several workspaces with one or more languages or one workspace with several languages.

Custom terms of service

Some enterprises may need customized contracts and terms

Platform features


Speed up decision making by letting participants vote. You can force prioritization by limiting the number of votes per participant in challenges and workshops.

See only own votes

Prevent bias by hiding votes of other participants in challenges and workshops


Involve members and guests to discussion by mentioning them with @-sign.


Link similar proposals to each other with hashtags

Follow proposals

Follow interesting proposals anywhere in Orchidea. Visit them with one click main navigation and get notified about their changes with automatic emails.


Visitors are one-time collaborators to a channel, challenge, or workshop. Visitors don't need to register.

My proposals

Interested in the current status of your own stuff? Visit my proposals to find out.

Real-time updates

We synch data real-time so that everybody is up-to-date in the heat of the action.

Autosave & drafts

Suddenly out of battery or too busy to describe your idea? Drafts are autosaved in the background so you do not need to worry about surprises.

Copy proposals

Copy proposals between channels, challenges, and workshops.

Move proposals

Move proposals between channels, challenges, and workshops.


Full platform wide search to all content with classification, hashtag, task, creator etc. filtering

Data import

Import proposals in Excel compatible CSV-format

Word & Excel export

Export proposals as MS Word or Excel files

Archive channel, challenge, workshop

Archive channel, challenges, or workshop. It is removed from main navigation and participation is disabled. It is still searchable and accessible in the archive.

Manual merge

Merge proposals by writing the combined text versions yourself.

AI merge

Merge proposals by letting AI create you the combined version.

Link proposals

Link similar proposals to each other.

Task editing and forwarding by assignee

Let tasks assignee to edit the description and deadline of the task. Or forward the task to a more suitable user.

Similarity ranking

AI presents you automatically other similar proposals from all Orchidea data


Publish news articles with pictures in channels and challenges

Mobile optimization

Participants can record their proposals, browse them and engage wherever they want with the mobile app, available for both android and iOS.

Mobile App

Create and comment proposals, take pictures and save drafts with Orchidea's native Android and iOS mobile app.

Activity summary email

Receive monthly email update on the most discussed and voted proposals.

Share visitor and guest links with QR-code

Engage participants quickly with mobile phones by sharing a QR-code

Guest self registration link

Let guests sign up effortlessly with dedicated link. Set  expiration times easily if the need is temporary

RSS-feed of channels and challenges

Publish latest proposals and comments of channels and challenges to intranet or web with RSS-feed

Publish the proposal collection form of a channel or challenge for idea, feedback or whistleblower reports collection

Number of workspaces

Create multiple workspaces for clients or departments and move easily between them


Roles for collaboration


Invite frequent collaborators to participate in innovation. Members get access to all your public channels, challenges and workshops.


Invite external collaborators to specific channels, challenges or workshops. Sign-in required.


Invite collaborators to public channels, challenges or workshops. No sign-in required.


Facilitators facilitate workshops or challenges or manage channels. Facilitators require a license in paid versions.

Workspace admins and owners

Workspace admins manage Orchidea levels settings and users. They require a license in paid versions.

Forms & fields

Best practice fields by Orchidea

Kick of your innovation with Orchidea's best practice fields for proposal collection, reviewing and management

Number of custom fields

Collect exactly the data relevant for your process. Text fields, checkboxes, attachments, numbers, help text fields, we have them and much more

Classification trees

Classify proposals so that you can find similar proposals easily

Shared form

Create a management form that is shared by all participants, i.e. everybody is editing the same version of the input.

Overwrite form

Each participants can submit only once the management form, i.e. editing a submission will replace the previous one.

Unbiased opinion field

Show the inputs of other participants to user after they shared their opinion

Only creator & facilitator sees field type

Collect confidential and personal data which is visible only for the data submitter and the facilitators of the channel, challenge or workshop.

Channel management features

Number of statuses per channel

Inform participants about process steps with statuses

Number of management forms per channel

Collect relevant information like expert reviews, numerical evaluations, risks, and decision reasoning with management forms.

Kanban view

Kanban view offers you an good overview of the process and the proposals in the different statuses. You can manage proposals easily by dragging them to new statuses.

List view

List view is excellent for scrolling through lots of proposal and sorting them according to e.g. name, numerical evaluations, creation date. You can also manage multiple proposals at once by e.g. assigning tasks, merging, changing status or moving them to other channels.

Bubble chart view

Review numerically evaluated proposals on a two-dimensional grid, with the x- and y-axes representing selected criteria. You easily understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of each proposals based on it score.

Proposal inactivity indicator

See immediately in Kanban view which proposals have stalled.


Concentrate to the proposals of a certain class or to those assigned to you. Filters helps you to concentrate to what's important.

Mass updates

Manage multiple proposals at once: export, move, copy

Manual proposal assignment

Assign the responsibility to manage the proposal to specific users manually


Assign tasks for users to evaluate, develop, make decisions etc.

Task summary emails

Weekly summary email to all users with active tasks

Give task to multiple proposals at once

Assign a group of users a task on several proposals at once

One proposal task

Provide access and assign a task to a single proposal for an internal member or a external visitor.

Automation & AI for channels

Trigger form on status change

A facilitator is presented automatically a management form after status change in channel

Status change automation

A management form filling, task assignment or completion of all tasks changes the status of the proposal

Automatic proposal assignment

Assign the responsibility to manage a proposal to specific users automatically based on classification or with round robin logic

"Thank you" proposal email

Proposal creator is sent automatically an email with customizable message

Email notification of form filling

Orchidea notifies selected roles automatically after management form filling

Task assignment automation

Form filling triggers automatic task assignment. You can e.g. assign a self-assessment for proposal creator or evaluation task for channel facilitator.

Show form in selected statuses

Sometimes a management form is only relevant in some process steps. You can show selected management form only in relevant statuses.

AI filling of management forms (coming soon)

Ask AI's opinion on numerical or text based assessment.

Automated user profile building

Add to default user profile customized classification like cost center, region, country or unit. Users are required to fill them in when they create their first proposal.

Challenge features

Configurable timetable and process

Build your own challenge by editing challenge timetable, phase descriptions, collection form, evaluation criteria etc. You can even remove phases.

Challenge brief

Longform description of the challenge topic, background, decision making etc. Brief supports text, images, attachments and embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos.

Start fast with our library of ready-made templates for challenges

Custom challenge templates

Customize the challenge timetable, process and texts and share it with your team


Let crowd participate in decision making by letting them vote on ideas. You can limit the number votes by participants if you want emphasize prioritization.

Expert evaluation

Invite experts to evaluate challenge ideas with customizable evaluation criteria

Publish evaluation data

Expert evaluations are by default visible for challenge facilitators and experts, but you can publish them for participants.

Email participants

Send email to all challenge participants

Get participant emails

Get participant emails grouped by their behaviour: all participants, idea creators, commentors, evaluators

Add custom management forms and tasks

You might want to review the ideas from multiple points of view. No worries, you can create multiple review forms and assign them to different target groups.

AI word cloud

Word cloud highlights popular words. You can review related ideas by clicking the specific word.

Workshop features

Workshop timer

Keep workshops on schedule with built-in timer that you can adjust and pause on the fly.


Speed up decision making by letting participants vote on ideas. You can limit the number votes by participants if you want.

Customizable workshop process

Build your own workshop by editing timetable, phase descriptions, collection forms, number of votes etc. You can even remove phases.

Workshop templates by Orchidea

Start fast with our library of ready-made templates for workshops

Custom workshop templates

Customize the workshop timetable, process and descriptions and share it with your team

AI ideas

Invite AI to create ideas in workshop along your human participants.

Alternative ideas by AI

Let AI create you similar but alternative ideas from the existing ones

Solution proposals by AI

Save time by letting AI draft the 1st version of your solution.

AI word cloud

Word cloud highlights popular words. You can review related ideas by clicking the specific word.

Facilitator insights

Insight dashboard for user participation in each workshop phase.

Facilitator help

Compact facilitation instructions that you can reach with one click.

Merge ideas

Merge similar ideas so that votes do not spread among several similar ideas.

Branding & User interface

Home page and channel images

Add brand images to home page, channels and challenges to make the experience match you brand.

Organization logo

Add your logo to the Orchidea home page

Login page image and welcome text

Customize the login page visuals and instructions so that your users feel at home starting from the first steps.

UI colors

Customize the colors of your Orchidea to match your brand

Customized web address

Select an address that is easy to remember and aligns with your brand, e.g.

Custom order for channels in main navigation

Want to bring the most important channels and challenges to the top? No problem, you can customize the order.

Channel and challenge tab customization

Do you want to rename your challenge tabs or add card view to channel? You can do all that and more in tab customization.


New device sign in email

Get automatic email every time you sign in to Orchidea from a new device or browser

Password strength indicator

Password is assessed against 30 000 common passwords, names and common patterns. Password strength is visualized and user are not allowed to create weak passwords.

Domain self registration

Save time by not needing to invite all your co-workers. You can define trusted domains and let users self register from them.

Third party security audits

We take data security seriously and that's why we commission annually 3rd party security experts to audit it.

Data is not used for AI training

Your data is yours. Our AI providers are prohibited from using customer data to train models.

Automatic backups

We take real-time backups of your data that allow us to return to any point-in-time within the 30 day backup retention period

Data encryption

Orchidea encrypts data at rest and in transit

EU data residency

All Customer Content is hosted in the EU. US option for Enterprise

History log

See the whole history of your proposals. When was it created, how modified it, which statuses it has reached etc.

Disable mobile app

Block Orchidea mobile app access to you data

Connected devices list and remote logout

Review all devices that have access to your Orchidea and perform remote logout if needed.

On-premise & private cloud hosting

Orchidea installation as an on-premise or private cloud solution.

Reporting & analytics

Channel activity reporting

Monitor e.g. proposal creation, discussion volume, voting and visits in channels

Channel classification volume

Monitor the proposal volume by classification in channels

Channel status changes

Monitor the status changes to understand e.g. your approval-% of your channel

Channel lead time

Review how long it takes for proposals to flow through the process in channels

Challenge phase reporting

Review the activity of the participants in each of the challenge phases

Workspace activity

Monitor Orchidea level proposal creation, discussion volume, voting and visits

Workspace sign ins

Monitor user sign ins to Orchidea


User import

Import your users to Orchidea and start engaging them even they have nor visited your Orchidea

Automate user management with SCIM

Sync user status and profile with Entra ID, Okta, or custom IDP

Join workspace settings

Define workspace invitation rules, trusted domains and others rules controlling how users join your Orchidea.

Channel creation permission

Define who can create open and private channels, challenges, and workshops

Admins decide
Admins decide
Admins decide
Admins decide
Storage size

On the Free plan, your database size including images, videos and attachments is 0.5 GB. Upgrade to a paid plan for unlimited storage.

0.5 GB
Admin insights

Admin insights to channels, challenges, and workshops, and their owners even if they are private.

Select AI model

Select the AI model that is most suitable for your uses case

Custom user terms and conditions

Add unique terms and conditions for users to accept before accessing the platform

Multi language workspace

Use multiple languages in your workspace

Real time AI translations (coming soon)

Translate your channels or challenges to other languages and let users participate in their own language


Knowledge base

Extensive knowledge base contains articles for getting started as well as illustrated how-to guides.

Email support

Our customer support is available for your organization admins via email

Onboarding and customer success team

Hands-on onboarding for your administrators and facilitators

Priority support

Priority support that extends beyond technical issues via email or phone

Test environment
Ask for quote
Ask for quote
Ask for quote
Ask for quote
Ask for quote


Payment options
Credit card
Credit card or invoice
Credit card or invoice
Credit card or invoice
Billing cycle
Monthly or annually
Custom agreement

Some customers may need customized contracts and terms. These are available as part of our Enterprise plan.


How do I get started?
The simplest way to start using Orchidea is to sign up for a Free plan. The Free plan offers a risk-free and fast way to experience Orchidea. Create your new account and get started fast. The Free plan includes unlimited public channels, challenges & workshops, up to 15 members, and all the collaboration features. For more advanced idea management, you can upgrade to our Team, Business, Professional or Enterprise version any time.
Do I need licenses for all collaborators?
Nope! Orchidea makes collaboration easy. You can include participants to co-develop for free, as you only pay for the facilitators. Facilitators are users who facilitate workshops, and innovation challenges or manage ideas in channels. So members, guests and visitors are free! Even in the free version, you can include up to 15 members in the development.
What are proposals?
With Orchidea you can collect suggestions, ideas and invention disclosures, to name a few. To put it simply, we refer to all of these as proposals.
What are management forms?
Orchidea has forms for two different purposes: to collect proposals, and to manage proposals. When you create a management process, you can add management forms for evaluators and managers to fill in order of moving ahead in the process.
What are proposals collection froms?
When you want to collect ideas, invention disclosures, initiatives, etc. through channels or challenges, you need a proposal collection form. You can use our predefined fields, or customize your own to suit your needs.
Are there special discounts for non-profits, educators, students, or the public sector?
Yes! We have special programs for educators, students, nonprofits, and the public sector. Please contact us for more information.
What are my payment options?
You can pay for your Team plan by credit card. In Business, Professional, and Enterprise plans, we offer flexible payment options by credit card or annual invoice.
How is my data secured?
We have respect for our customers and their data. Therefore information security is at the heart of Orchidea's day-to-day operations. Orchidea’s data security policy is aligned with ISO 27001 and has been developed together with the security experts of KPMG. The production environment of Orchidea 7 has been implemented together with our partner Nordcloud (IBM Company). Orchidea Azure subscription/resource setup has been implemented based on Nordcloud ACF (Azure Cloud Foundation) service.
Is my data used in training AI?
No, your data is yours. Our AI providers are prohibited from using customer data to train models.
Can I change my plan later?
You can change the plan at any moment. However, please note that we do not refund already paid charges.
What are facilitators, members, guests and visitors?
Orchidea has 4 user levels.
- Facilitators are the people who manage Orchidea workspace and can organize workshops, innovation challenges, and manage ideas in channels.
- Members are users of Orchidea who are registered and can participate in all activities and complete tasks assigned by managers. Members are typically collaborators within your company, with access to workspaces, challenges, and workshops according to your admin setup.
- Guests are registered users with ongoing access to individual workshops, challenges, channels, or ideas as clients, partners, or other members outside your organization.
- Visitors are one-time collaborators to a specific channel or challenge. Visitors don't need to register.
What is a workspace?
The workspace is home to all your innovation activities at Orchidea. All channels, innovation challenges and workshops are found here. Customers with an Enterprise plan can create multiple workspaces and move easily between them.
What is an active channel, challenge or workshop?
An active channel/challenge/workshop is one in which you can participate. Archived channels, challenges, or workshops are closed to new activity, but the data is retained and searchable.
Does Orchidea have a free trial?
Instead of a trial, you can explore Orchidea for as long as you like with the free version.
Are there any additional fees?
Apart from the monthly fees, there are no additional costs. All prices and fees are excluding VAT.
What can I do with Orchidea?
Orchidea is a versatile innovation tool that provides solutions for all innovation activities, from product development to employee suggestion programs and overall idea management. With Orchidea, you can organize always-open idea collection, brainstorming sessions or innovation challenges. Orchidea is focused on innovation engagement, so you can include all your relevant stakeholders in the collaboration with ease.