Double Evaluation Challenge Template

Template for challenges with lots of ideas. Screen all ideas with a quick yes-maybe-no-method. Move promising ones to more detailed numerical evaluation. Select the top ideas based on the evaluations.

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About Double evaluation challenge

Double evaluation is a template for idea competitions, where a large number of proposals are sought from a wide range of participants. Winners are selected through a two-stage evaluation process, which makes the template an effective choice for bigger contests.

Innovation challenges always have a highly focused topic for which participants come up with innovative solutions. In the Double evaluation challenge, participants often consist of the whole organization, or even external parties. The process starts with gathering the ideas and then proceed to two-step evaluation conducted by experts.

When to use Double evaluation challenge template

The Double evaluation template is the ideal choice when you aim to gather a vast amount of fresh ideas from your organization or a larger external crowd. This can encompass new product or service ideas, as well as enhancements to existing offerings.

The template is especially great option for running broad innovation challenges and rewarding the best ideas. The duration of the Double evaluation challenge is usually a few weeks.

Benefits of Double evaluation challenge

The Double evaluation template is ideal for high idea volumes and its ultimate advantage is the efficiency. Detailed processing and evaluation of such large amounts of ideas can become a burden for the evaluator. With our two-step approach, we have tackled this problem.

The first round of evaluation is a quick "Yes -Maybe -No" evaluation that quickly reduce the mass of proposals. A more detailed numerical evaluation with multiple evaluation criteria is carried out only for a limited number of ideas, allowing evaluators to focus their time on only the most relevant ones.

Double evaluation challenge also fosters innovation engagement as everyone takes part in generating and developing ideas.

Double evaluation challenge steps

Here are the steps of running a challenge with our Double evaluation challenge. Before you start, make sure you have a clear vision of best practices of running an innovation challenge in general. Check our guide on running innovation challenges here.

1. Idea collection & co-development

Launch your innovation challenge and start collecting ideas. You can crowdsource the ideation to customers and partners or innovate with your organization. You can add members to your challenge by email, or invite participants with a simple link. Just make sure you have first ideas already submitted to avoid white paper syndrome.

Encourage participants to comment and develop on interesting ideas to get better ideas, add transparency and learn what resonates with the participants.

2. Idea screening

A panel of experts reviews all ideas with a quick "Yes-Maybe-No" evaluation, aiming to surface the most potential ones. Based on their screening, the most promising ideas advance to the next phase of the challenge.

3. Idea evaluation

Now it's time to dig deeper. The goal of this phase is to find the most potential proposals. Invited experts will carry out a more detailed evaluation to the most relevant ideas, chosen in the previous stage.

Participants vote with likes, which increases the engagement and shows insights from the participants' support.

4. Top idea selection

Finally, decision-makers review both the community and expert evaluations and announce the best solutions. You can view the evaluation results visually with different charts to help you in decision making

5. Challenge completed

And voilà! Once the challenge is finished, focus on the implementation of the ideas. You can always access the ideas on Orchidea, or import them.

This is some text inside of a div block.
Idea evaluation bubble chart
Innovation challenge results


1. For which situations is the Double Evaluation challenge most suitable?

It is ideal for contests with a large number of ideas, which are evaluated by a team of few experts as a basis for further steps. The experts' time is used efficiently by first doing a "Yes-Maybe-No" breakdown of the ideas. Then focus on the Yes group and evaluate them in more detail with the support of a number of evaluation criteria.

2. Can the assessments be done by different groups?

In theory, yes, but the "Double evaluation" is specifically designed to support the efficient use of time by the same team of experts. In the Co-Development challenge, you can also use double evaluation to ask the participants to give their thumbs up to the best proposals. The proposals with the highest number of thumbs-ups are then evaluated in more detail by the experts.

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